Women Running Wild, Osterville, MA

Liz & Jacqui in our WWW t-shirts designed by Jacqui

June 15

Weather:  Hot summer afternoon

Goal: To beat my PR 29:02

Results: 30:32

Fans: My daughter, Sami came to cheer me on! I ran with my friend and co-worker, Jacqui. She made us special t-shirts to run in!

Back of our t-shirts!

Review: I had done this 5K 3 years ago. In fact it was the last 5K I had done before hanging up my running shoes for three years. It was good to be back. Running in a race at the end of the day is different and I felt I had a slower start than the previous races of the season. Jacqui was way ahead of me but I kept her in my sites and tried to run hard for a good time. All and all it was a good race on a course I was familiar with. The pizza and watermelon at the end was a nice treat!

Ugh Moment: Rounding the corner toward the finish line and realizing I was far from my PR.


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