3 Fall Realizations

Autumn Days

Autumn Days





It’s Fall now, officially. And while I love this season for its warm days and cool nights I am not crazy about the changing sun light hours. While my brain tells me I am motivated to start the day with physical gusto these three thingsconspire to keep me inside:

  1. Sunrise after the alarm. I traditionally get up between 5:30-6am but the cool temperatures make it hard to leave the comfort of my bed. One plus! My two dogs have other ideas. Their internal clocks demand I take them out no later than 6:30am and they will start prancing around the bedroom to remind me at 5:30, even on the weekends. Despite their needs the cold air forces us all back into the house quickly.
  2. Workout clothing decisions. Layering up is the go-to answer here but what happens when you layer up for the initial cold (minus the 5-10 degrees) but you still get it wrong and mid-run you are shedding clothing faster than a golden retriever on a hot summer day? I have lost more than one favorite jacket to this challenge. Yes, I left a coat by the side of the road to pick it up on my return only to have it taken by some lucky passer-by. I am sure they figured it was a bonus day for them. I chalked it up to “they needed it more than me”…but still.
  3. Frozen fingers and toes. I’ve figured out the toe thing…Smart Wool Socks (best ever!) but the hand/finger thing still alludes me. I have tried gloves, mittens, liners with gloves, wool, silk and thermal-isolated gloves; all for naught. My hands start out toasty then they start to sweat. Suffering from sensory issues I just cannot run with hot, sweaty hands but take the gloves off and, whammo, freezing fingers…not very motivating.

What does this all point to? Heading back to the gym. At first I go kicking and screaming but as I get into the rhythm of late day workouts (yes, for the gym I prefer the 8-9pm workout time) I find I love it for its warmth, efficiency (I can get in my weight training or yoga at the same time) and  sense of community (there are always a few diehards like me who prefer the 8pm workout!)

So while I may complain initially, the shift in workout with the coming cold weather adds some bonuses too.  Good bye early morning cold runs and hello to warm, friendly nighttime gym workouts. Spring will be here before we know it!

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