My Inspiration

Nick 2013

It is never great to tell a success story and not talk about the people who inspired you. It is relatively easy to make a change but to sustain that change is considerably harder. I believe there have to be people in your life that inspire you to continue. One such person for me was my son.

My son is a handsome young man who had struggled with stomach issues for much of his life. Regular trips to the doctor revealed a few conditions and the recommended remedy from the doctors was for him c to change his diet (which was made up of mostly steak & cheeses, buffalo wings and mac & cheese.) My son, a teenager at the time, was averse to making changes to his diet. He declared he would live with the pain. But then he started to not like the way he looked. He was never heavy but he was getting big and he complained his tummy was mushy; not the six-pack he wanted.

Then one day at work (this was back in the winter of 2012) he called me. “Mom! You have to order me this diet and exercise program I saw on TV. I promise if you do I will follow it to the letter, please mom!” How could I resist the pleadings of my son? I ordered the program and it came surprisingly quickly in the mail. And true to his word my son followed the program. We combed the suggested diet book that came with the videos and figured out what he would eat given his picky habits. He adapted quickly to his new lifestyle and the pounds came off. By his graduation in June he was down 40 pounds and looking good.

I, on the other hand, did not. I had started and stopped so many diets since my teen years that I eventually had given up. I figured getting old meant putting on a few pounds but seeing my son work the discipline of diet and exercise gave me a new perspective. One of the things he mentioned as he dieted was that he was always hungry but that reaching the goal was more important and that he just trained his brain to ignore the hungry signals


Train your brain to ignore hungry feelings? This was a new diet concept for me and it was the trigger I needed to start dieting again. Only this time I knew I would succeed because I finally had the proper inspiration and a new tool.

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