Falmouth Road Race, Falmouth, MA

The top of the last hill!

Aug 11

Weather: This race is known for falling on hot and humid days but the weather Gods once again were smiling. The day was an ideal 70 degrees with sunny skies.

Goal: To complete the 7 mile run without giving up or walking

Result: Completed and never walked! 1:17:46

Fans: Mike and my running friend, Kara, who also ran but ran considerably faster!

Review: Let me be really clear. I NEVER planned on running the Falmouth Road Race. I never had even an inkling of interest but my friend Kara thought I could and convinced me it was a good idea. To get a bib I had to agree to raise money for an organization that had bibs to give out. Luckily I had been involved in the Hope Health organization for years and thought I could do it. I did. I raised the required money and trained just enough to know I could run 7 miles. The race is HUGE; close to 12,800 participants. All of the racers start down in at the tiny village of Woods Hole and run to Falmouth Heights. The course is beautiful and the energy of the runners carried me through the race with ease. The last hill just before the finish tests your last bit of nerve but I ran up the hill without faltering. Crossing the finish line felt like another true victory!

Ugh moment: Standing in my “loser” start corral, the last one of the race I couldn’t believe I had entered this race. I had never thought of myself as a longer distance runner. I was not convinced I had trained enough and was sure this was a BAD idea. I had to settle my nerves down more than once as we waited for the starting gun.



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