Calmer Choice: De-Stress Express, Hyannis, MA

The Race Start

Sept 21 

Weather: Lucked out with another beautiful Sept day; 70’s and sunny.

Goal: To Beat my PR 29:02

Result: 28:37

Fans: I thought I would do this race alone. My first one. My husband had said this would eventually happen. I was okay with it but I realized that running without fans was going to be tough. I love the cheering at the end of a race and, of course, the congratulatory hugs. But I was doing a lot of races now and I knew everyone’s schedule would not accommodate my new found hobby. As I was preparing to line up at the start line my friend Becky surprised me to cheer me on! What a relief!

Review: A fun and easy race on a flat course. The same course as the Michael Asselton 5K Road Race. The final push to the end felt good! The crowds were small and that is always a bit sad since crowds do carry you along in a race. I knew a couple of the runners and realized that my circle of running friends was expanding.

Ugh moment: I had wanted to run with music. I generally was opting not to run with music at races; preferring to only train with music. But since I was preparing to fun with no fans and I wanted my best time and thought music would help me I had brought my iPod. Unfortunately I couldn’t get my iPod to work and ended up wasting precious seconds at the start. If I run with music I will make sure that my iPod is working well ahead of time. The question to ponder…music or no music.

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