Rock ‘n’ Roll Marathon Mini Marathon (5K) Providence, RI

Kara and I. Races Completed!

Kara and I. Races Completed!

Sept 29 

Weather: The morning was cold and dark but as the sun rose so did the temperature.
Goal: Always to achieve a PR
Result: 28:48
Fans: Kara, my running friend; she ran the ½ marathon
Review: A great day. Kara and I decided that we would travel to


Providence together since none of our family could go. We headed off Cape at 4:30 am and arrived in Providence at about 5:45. It was dark when we arrived and there weren’t too many people at the venue at that early hour. We got great parking and headed to the “solutions” tent for our race numbers. As we headed to the bag check and port-o-potties the sun came up. By the time we found our spots in the corrals the temperature was increasing. The wait was not bad. I wasn’t nervous; I knew how to run a 5K. And, in fact, this was the first race where I felt excited to run! The race started with a hill and many racers quickly slowed to a walk. I paced myself and set off to run and have fun. The course was relatively flat and easy. When the split came for the 5K runners to head back to the finish line I wistfully watched as the ½ marathoners veered off to head on their 13.1 mile run. The last part of the race was easy enough even the final hill that took us to the finish line. Crossing the line I was met by enthusiastic volunteers handing out finishers metals, chocolate milk and bananas. I took it all and happily found a spot at the finish line to watch my friend Kara complete her ½ marathon.

Ugh moment: There were none! The only thing I knew for sure was that the next race was going to be a ½ Marathon—Here I come Hartford!


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