Long Winters Make a Difference

What I learned (or, rather, realized) today is that weather truly makes a difference in my level of motivation. Cold weather equals unmotivated; warm weather gets me up and going! While my brain works really hard to make a case for getting up and out to exercise my body’s pull to stay snuggled in a warm blanket on a cold March day is still stronger.

With this long winter in play and bitterly cold temperature persisting in March even my happy-go-lucky Golden Retriever has resigned herself to sleeping in her crate all day instead of playing ball in the backyard. I knew I was in trouble when my sister emailed me that she was fighting off a virus and sent me a picture of her all wrapped up in a blanket on her couch. I found myself actually coveting her opportunity to spend a day laying on the couch (presumably watching bad Bravo shows) with her dog at her feet. Ahhh, to have a sick day without being sick!

maggie laying down
But my desire to rock my upcoming races this year does squeak through the loud protests of my body and I am making myself get to the gym and put in some miles. Last time at the gym I watched Animal Planet and the majestic tigers and cheetahs bounding across the reserves in Africa were amazingly inspirational. I have locked those images into my head for more inspiration.

Warm weather is coming! It is just a matter now of weeks and I can see the light at the end of the tunnel. I observe the sun coming up earlier in the morning and descending later in the night. Soon I will be coming home from work and throwing on my running gear for a great, long, evening run.

winter sun
Between that hope and the cheetahs I have gathered enough motivation to push thoughts of long days on the couch out of my head! Temperatures this Saturday are suppose to be in the 40’s and you can bet I will be head out for a run, bounding across the remaining snow drifts and soaking in the sun!

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