Running Around Central Park

Shape Half MarathonI have signed up for the MORE/Shape Half Marathon more times than I want to admit. Even the years when I was fully prepared to run a half the timing kept me from showing up. Usually it was just the complications of traveling in April. My desire to do this race has always been high and this year all the stars aligned and I made it to the start line.

My daughter is now in school at Fordham University so she met me in the city on Saturday and we enjoyed a great day exploring and walking across the Brooklyn Bridge (a first for me). I was adamant that I didn’t want to walk too much (did not succeed at that goal) and that I wanted to get to bed early (succeed with that one!)

We woke up an hour and a half before the race and the weather was as close to perfect as you can get in April. It was sunny and a warm 48 degrees. We walked over to the park from our hotel which was about a mile. The walk offered the perfect warm up for my muscles. I found my corral and waited. I used to get very anxious during these waits now I just soak in the excitement around me. I take pictures and go through my race strategy.

Admittedly I have not logged the hours I should have for doing a half marathon. That is not to say that I have not worked out or done a number of runs. I just have not done a formal training program, so long runs have not been a part of my routine for a most of the winter. My strategy in this case was to pace myself appropriately. While I am not a fast runner I am a very consistent runner and I often learn that other runners follow me because of my pacing (a very nice compliment).

This half marathon is two loops around Central Park. The loops include the dreaded Harlem Hill: A long, steep, winding hill at mile 4 and mile 8 1/2. My first attack went great but I knew I would be suffering the second go around and I was right. Unfortunately at mile 6 I developed a blister on the ball of my foot and the pain kept me from pushing myself. I had to walk part of the hill the second time around.

Blisters on my feet are a new phenomenon for me and I am now learning how to avoid them and treat them so nothing untoward happens. It was a bit disheartening to have to struggle with the pain on top of the normal aches and pains of running a half marathon with minimal training. But I soldiered on and was happy to see the finish line.

I was pleased with my 2:25:00 time considering the lack of training, the blister and the one bathroom break I had to make at mile 7. There was a big party and lots of photo opts but my daughter and I decided to head back to the hotel for a long, hot shower and something to eat.

I love doing runs in new venues and destinations. I would do this half marathon again because…New York City.

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