Category Archives: The Re-Boot

The journey back to fitness

Instant Results

June 2, 2017 It’s not a lie. And I am betting I am not the only one who feels it: The frustration and disappointment of the time it takes to lose weight and get back into shape. The beginning is … Continue reading

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Your Defining Moment

      “I am an athlete!” That was my response to a question posed by an old friend who I hadn’t seen or spoken to in years. When the words tumbled out I surprised myself and realized that in … Continue reading

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Bucket List vs Lifestyle Changes

  When I was 49 I decided that if I didn’t start getting serious about my goals I might miss out on doing things that I spent a lot of my adult life wishing I had done. It was that … Continue reading

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Re-emerging from the Desert

I could spend a lot of time and space reviewing the fits and starts of my fitness journey over the past year and half; rationalizing and chatting about “re-booting”, injury recovery, feeling a lack of motivation but that would just … Continue reading

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Finding My Groove

    It seems the year has a few different starting points. There is the traditional January 1-New Year’s Day-make all your resolutions start. Then there is the Sept 1-Back to School time where everyone seems to get back into … Continue reading

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Running Around Central Park

I have signed up for the MORE/Shape Half Marathon more times than I want to admit. Even the years when I was fully prepared to run a half the timing kept me from showing up. Usually it was just the complications … Continue reading

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Re-Booting: Starting again

          I’m not different than most. Sometimes I succeed at my goals and other times I crash and burn. It is easy in today’s social media dominated life to get caught up in other people’s successes. … Continue reading

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