Category Archives: What I Learned Today

Revelations that develop randomly

Instant Results

June 2, 2017 It’s not a lie. And I am betting I am not the only one who feels it: The frustration and disappointment of the time it takes to lose weight and get back into shape. The beginning is … Continue reading

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Day 1 – 2017 Challenge

June 1st 2017 I have been overcome with work stress as a result all self-care including my fitness routine has taken a complete backseat. It is the reason; it is not an excuse; it is just the reality of life. … Continue reading

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Your Defining Moment

      “I am an athlete!” That was my response to a question posed by an old friend who I hadn’t seen or spoken to in years. When the words tumbled out I surprised myself and realized that in … Continue reading

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Bucket List vs Lifestyle Changes

  When I was 49 I decided that if I didn’t start getting serious about my goals I might miss out on doing things that I spent a lot of my adult life wishing I had done. It was that … Continue reading

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3 Fall Realizations

        It’s Fall now, officially. And while I love this season for its warm days and cool nights I am not crazy about the changing sun light hours. While my brain tells me I am motivated to … Continue reading

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The Big Re-Boot – 4 Realizations

I have little doubt that every athlete has a period of disillusionment Injury, sickness or life can erode the progress made in training. When things are going great it is easy to think falling behind in training will never happen … Continue reading

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Three Things I Learned in 2014

  Last February when I set out to create my race goals for 2014 I almost scared myself with my own ambition! I laid out my plan in my head then created a map of all the places and events … Continue reading

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It is an ongoing debate in my head; this whole sunscreen thing. After reading yet another magazine article  about the value and need for sunscreen I head right for feelings of quilt and shame. I live in the Northeast and … Continue reading

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Long Winters Make a Difference

What I learned (or, rather, realized) today is that weather truly makes a difference in my level of motivation. Cold weather equals unmotivated; warm weather gets me up and going! While my brain works really hard to make a case … Continue reading

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Hyannis Half Marathon

Feb 23, 2014 It finally arrived. The day I was dreading. Back in December when I signed up for the Hyannis Half Marathon I had just finished my Holiday Challenge (running everyday from Thanksgiving to New Year’s Day) and I … Continue reading

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