Category Archives: What I Learned Today

Revelations that develop randomly

Setting New Goals

I thought for sure that the success of my holiday challenge (the commitment to run a minimum of one mile every day from Thanksgiving to New Years) would solidify my commitment to training for an ambitious event schedule in 2014. … Continue reading

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Winter Wonderland

Okay, I will admit it. I don’t relish getting out and running in the snow. As I comb through my newsfeed on Facebook I am faced with dozens of posts from well meaning businesses that encourage runners to brag about … Continue reading

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The Treadmill

Probably like many runners I have a real love/hate relationship with the treadmill. I don’t own one, though my children have asked me often is I want one for my birthday or Christmas. I don’t love the treadmill that much, … Continue reading

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The 2013 Holiday Challenge

Back in November on one of my rest days I curled up on the couch with an issue of Runner’s World. Still grappling with the idea that I didn’t really “qualify” as a runner who could gain much from such … Continue reading

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Then I Got a Cold

Being sick is not conducive to dieting. Who wants to worry about being hungry and cranky when you are already hungry and cranky? I had relied on making sure my food was flavorful but it was hard to taste with … Continue reading

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The Start

  Success stories are often pared down to “I had a weight/fitness issue; I made a decision to change; I followed a program (self created or popular commercial plan); I had success.” Every time I would read these success stories … Continue reading

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