Michael Aselton 5K-Great Hyannis Road Races

Michael Aselton 5K T-shirt

May 26

Weather: COLD! A crisp, cool spring morning.

Goal: Run under 30:34

Result: 29:02 (PR!)

Fans: Mike was my big fan! Kara McDonald, my fellow running friend was running her first ½.  It was Kara’s first 1/2 and I was psyched to cheer her on!

Review: It was cold and that unnerved me a bit since I was still figuring out the best attire for such a day. I knew I would get warm but the breezes off the Sound could be challenging. Mike reminded me that I had to have my head in the race and not psych myself out with negative talk about the weather. The course was nice and flat and started with a nice decline. Another wonderful surprise when I rounded the last corner and saw my time!

Ugh moment: The cold was an initial challenge but overall there were no “ughs” in this race!



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