Ragnar Cape Cod 2014

As my 2013 racing season started to wind down in November my running friend, Kara, mentioned that she had always dreamed of doing a Ragnar race. “It’s on my bucket list” she said to me. Well, that was all she had to say; I too had thought of doing the Ragnar but not to the extreme of putting it on my bucket list yet. I was still trying to decide if I could manage another 1/2 marathon much less a race that is a total of 200 miles over a 24 hour period! But I love to be part of making friend’s dreams come true so within the hour of mentioning her desire I had us signed up for the 2014 Cape Cod Ragnar. (The Cape Cod Ragnar starts in Hull and ends in Provincetown from May 9-10)

What is the Ragnar? It is best explained by them:
“Ragnar is the overnight running relay race that makes testing your limits a team sport.You and 11 of your craziest friends (or 5 of your crazier friends for an ultra team) pile into two vans and tag team running 200(ish) miles, day and night, relay-style. Only one runner hits the road at a time. Each participant runs three times, with each leg ranging between 3-8 miles and varying in difficulty. So, from the elite runner down to the novice jogger, it’s the perfect race for anyone.” ~ www.ragnarrelay.com

As you read more about this race you realize it is so much more than about running; it is about joining with a group of like-minded people (friends, acquaintances and strangers even; though not for long) to do something extraordinary. Imagine dedicating a whole 24 hours to just running!

Kara and I have started putting our team together and tonight (Jan 8) we are holding our first meeting to plan with the committed runners and set the strategy to recruit more people for our team. It is an ambitious goal for all of us as most of us work full time and have many other commitments in our lives but for the glory of crossing the finish line in Provincetown with our team of “Crazy Ass Runners” on May 10th we are all in!

Feel free to join us!

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