Re-Booting: Starting again

boots featured image






I’m not different than most. Sometimes I succeed at my goals and other times I crash and burn. It is easy in today’s social media dominated life to get caught up in other people’s successes. Failures or set backs are buried in the “good news” of repeated success.

Well, I am here to pull apart the onion of set backs. In these new blog posts I will share my attempts at my journey back to top fitness and healt. My “fitness” of two years ago was something I obtained in a haphazard, stress-fueled, narrowly focused summer of “training”. While I fancied myself having a plan and having figured “it” all out; it is only in my huge setback that I have begun to come to terms with the err of my ways.

My new “practice” in fitness (and, yes, I said, practice) is the journey I want to share. Raw and honest I will take you on my path to finding appropriate, sound and balanced fitness.

Here we go…

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