Re-emerging from the Desert

New York City Triathlon 2014

New York City Triathlon 2014

I could spend a lot of time and space reviewing the fits and starts of my fitness journey over the past year and half; rationalizing and chatting about “re-booting”, injury recovery, feeling a lack of motivation but that would just continue to do what has held me back these past 18 months; looking into the past instead of moving toward the future.

I am back to training. Full on. No excuses. To keep myself honest I am documenting on Instagram and asking to be held accountable to my goals. My favorite season of racing was 2014. I ran six half marathons and completed six triathlons. I felt great and was in the best shape of my life. All this at the ripe age of 51. I promised myself I would be 80 and continuing to do triathlons and I will. So that is the goal and it re-starts now!

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