Tag Archives: goals

First Day 5K 2019

This was clearly the BEST way to start the new year!!! Despite being out celebrating last night, staying up till 1AM and not having run in a week, I had a great race. It helped that the weather was near … Continue reading

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Feet, Fins & Flippers 5k – Bourne

Race 2 – May 12, 2018 @ 9am Bourne – Feet, Fins & Flippers 5k Weather:  Cloudy, cool, damp; trying to rain. Course was a nice & flat but narrow. Time: 28:30 I found myself, once again, obsessing about the weather all … Continue reading

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Launching a New Challenge

After six running the first 6 miles of the Fitness Half Marathon in Central Park, NYC it hit me. I was bored. Mind numbingly bored. I had seven point one miles left and I was ready to give up. Not because my … Continue reading

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Creating Real-Time Goals

At the beginning of the 2017 season I had just one goal; to complete the season happy. I succeeded at that goal and gained new confidence in my ability to rebound from a couple of challenging years. I started the … Continue reading

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Instant Results

June 2, 2017 It’s not a lie. And I am betting I am not the only one who feels it: The frustration and disappointment of the time it takes to lose weight and get back into shape. The beginning is … Continue reading

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Your Defining Moment

      “I am an athlete!” That was my response to a question posed by an old friend who I hadn’t seen or spoken to in years. When the words tumbled out I surprised myself and realized that in … Continue reading

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Bucket List vs Lifestyle Changes

  When I was 49 I decided that if I didn’t start getting serious about my goals I might miss out on doing things that I spent a lot of my adult life wishing I had done. It was that … Continue reading

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Re-emerging from the Desert

I could spend a lot of time and space reviewing the fits and starts of my fitness journey over the past year and half; rationalizing and chatting about “re-booting”, injury recovery, feeling a lack of motivation but that would just … Continue reading

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Finding My Groove

    It seems the year has a few different starting points. There is the traditional January 1-New Year’s Day-make all your resolutions start. Then there is the Sept 1-Back to School time where everyone seems to get back into … Continue reading

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Setting New Goals

I thought for sure that the success of my holiday challenge (the commitment to run a minimum of one mile every day from Thanksgiving to New Years) would solidify my commitment to training for an ambitious event schedule in 2014. … Continue reading

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