Tag Archives: half marathon

First Day 5K 2019

This was clearly the BEST way to start the new year!!! Despite being out celebrating last night, staying up till 1AM and not having run in a week, I had a great race. It helped that the weather was near … Continue reading

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Your Defining Moment

      “I am an athlete!” That was my response to a question posed by an old friend who I hadn’t seen or spoken to in years. When the words tumbled out I surprised myself and realized that in … Continue reading

Posted in The Journey, The Re-Boot, What I Learned Today | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , | Leave a comment

Re-emerging from the Desert

I could spend a lot of time and space reviewing the fits and starts of my fitness journey over the past year and half; rationalizing and chatting about “re-booting”, injury recovery, feeling a lack of motivation but that would just … Continue reading

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Running Around Central Park

I have signed up for the MORE/Shape Half Marathon more times than I want to admit. Even the years when I was fully prepared to run a half the timing kept me from showing up. Usually it was just the complications … Continue reading

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MORE/Shape Half Marathon

The 13th annual MORE/SHAPE Women’s Half-Marathon brings together thousands of women of all ages and backgrounds for a day of fun, fitness, and camaraderie in NYC. Whether you’re coming from across the country or from around the corner, join us … Continue reading

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Rock ‘n’ Roll USA Half Marathon, Washington DC

  March 15, 2014 Weather: 46 degrees early morning, 50’s during the race (not bad for March) Goal: To have fun with my brother (our first race together) Result: 2:17:55 Fans: My brother and I were each other’s fan as … Continue reading

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Hyannis Half Marathon

Feb 23, 2014 It finally arrived. The day I was dreading. Back in December when I signed up for the Hyannis Half Marathon I had just finished my Holiday Challenge (running everyday from Thanksgiving to New Year’s Day) and I … Continue reading

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