Tag Archives: running

Finding My Groove

    It seems the year has a few different starting points. There is the traditional January 1-New Year’s Day-make all your resolutions start. Then there is the Sept 1-Back to School time where everyone seems to get back into … Continue reading

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Running Around Central Park

I have signed up for the MORE/Shape Half Marathon more times than I want to admit. Even the years when I was fully prepared to run a half the timing kept me from showing up. Usually it was just the complications … Continue reading

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MORE/Shape Half Marathon

The 13th annual MORE/SHAPE Women’s Half-Marathon brings together thousands of women of all ages and backgrounds for a day of fun, fitness, and camaraderie in NYC. Whether you’re coming from across the country or from around the corner, join us … Continue reading

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Re-Booting: Starting again

          I’m not different than most. Sometimes I succeed at my goals and other times I crash and burn. It is easy in today’s social media dominated life to get caught up in other people’s successes. … Continue reading

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3 Fall Realizations

        It’s Fall now, officially. And while I love this season for its warm days and cool nights I am not crazy about the changing sun light hours. While my brain tells me I am motivated to … Continue reading

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Winter Wonderland

Okay, I will admit it. I don’t relish getting out and running in the snow. As I comb through my newsfeed on Facebook I am faced with dozens of posts from well meaning businesses that encourage runners to brag about … Continue reading

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Becoming a Triathlete at 50

  It was a dream in the making for over 20 years. Back in 1990 I was sitting at my job in Connecticut and came across a black & white flyer advertising a new kind of sports event; a Sprint … Continue reading

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