The Beginning of the Diet Journey

Logging into Weight Watchers Online

I chose to use Weight Watcher Online to guide me in my weight loss. I was familiar with the program and knew it would take me through learning how to eat real food in real environments. It did (thought the portions were rarely enough!) I also knew that this program was a slow fix: That my weight would come of slowly; a pound or two at the most per week. I also knew I would fluctuate and even gain because it would be impossible to keep up my weekly date night with my husband, my work obligations (galas and dinners that our company had sponsored) and, of course, the holidays. But I decided that a realistic program that had many success stories would be best for me.

My motivation to live through my hunger and missteps in eating was that if I kept to the program I would lose the weight; and I did, albeit, slowly. I also decided that while I started my diet regime I would avoid ambitious amounts of exercise. I knew exercise would make me hungrier and easily sabotage my successes so I decided to join a Zumba class and do it twice a week. I did nothing else; just the Zumba class and since I was new to Zumba and not very good at it the amount of energy I expended was minimal but it made me feel good so I continued.

I started my plan July 1, 2012 and had good progress through the summer. It was easier because my children and my husband were occupied at night so I could dodge big family dinners and the nice summer weather made avoiding the kitchen on the weekends easy. It started to get tougher in the fall as the cool weather settled in and the stresses of work and managing children in school pushed my willpower to the limit. But I plodded on.

I weighed myself every week. This was difficult because some weeks I knew it would not be good. I adamant about placing my (digital) scale on the same exact spot every week; lined up on the tile and weighed myself completely naked. I didn’t want any variable. Some weeks I burst with pride; most weeks I was discouraged and frustrated. The weight came off so slowly.

As it got closer to Thanksgiving I kicked it into a higher gear. That meant following my eating plan vigilantly since my Zumba schedule had altered to weekly classes because I just couldn’t make the scheduling work with my daughter’s schedule. But I continued with the slow process of eating less and exercising less.

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