The Great (Winter) Outdoors

mid winter front yard“You are brave,” my husband commented as I was lacing up my running shoes this morning. “I have to do it,” I said, “I just cannot run on the treadmill one more day; I need the fresh air.” “Well, good luck,” were his parting words. I burst out the door bracing myself for the cold but was delighted to feel the warmth of the winter sun on my face.

It had been weeks since I had run my old familiar outdoor route and honestly I wasn’t sure how it would go. I feared I would feel horrible and labor through the run. I took off and suddenly realized I was at a racing pace and it felt good. I quickly warmed up and flew through my run. As I came to the last 1/8 mile I was sorry I had waited so long to get out. I only had a half hour to spare this morning but I longed to continue running through the morning.

This is often my dilemma. It takes me forever to gear up for a run outside when the cold winds are blowing. The challenges are many; time is tight; the sun comes up late and sets early and work demands most of my time. But once I push myself out the door and I am warmed up and running I feel like I can run forever.

When I run outside my body takes over my mind and I feel free. When I set out my mind is usually spinning but as I pound the pavement my thoughts settle down and I move into a transcendental state where time and space have little meaning. I look forward to those moments when I can connect with the outdoors through a great run; when my body takes over my mind and I feel free.

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