The Last Gasp, Sandwich to Provincetown, MA

Liz & Jane The Last Gasp

Sept 15

60 mile fundraising bike rally from one end of Cape Cod to the next, followed by a boat ride back to Sandwich and Clambake dinner

Weather: Another beautiful Sept day. 70’s and sunny…all day

Goal: No real goal other than to complete the 60 mile ride and hopefully do it with a group of fun people

Result: Road the ride with a wonderful woman and new friend Jane Bourette (from Team WE CAN)

Fans: All my fellow riders on Team WE CAN

Review: I had agreed to be on the WE CAN Last Gasp team back in the spring and had lumped the training in with my training for the triathlons. I had done this race, alone; 10 years ago (2003) so I knew the course. The one hesitation I had was riding with a team since I was used to riding alone. I was lucky to have my friend Jane take me under her wing and decide we were going to “do it together”. I will be forever grateful for her friendship. I was prepared mentally for the ride but I was doubting my physical preparedness; it had been a while since I had spent that length of time on my bike. The day was beautiful and Jane and I had similar pacing so the ride was easy and fun. I was psyched when we reached “the last gasp” hill in Truro. Jane beat me up it but I was able to get to the top without getting off my bike. When we finally rode into Provincetown we were so elated. We wanted to high five over the finish line but nearly took a header when we practiced our riding high five so we decided to just fist pump and WooHoo instead! A great and fun day all around!

Ugh moment: Seeing the race director, Bill Murphy, take a fall off his bike before the ride even started. Always a sobering moment and a reminder that road biking can be very dangerous.

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