Then I Got a Cold

Being sick is not conducive to dieting. Who wants to worry about being hungry and cranky when you are already hungry and cranky? I had relied on making sure my food was flavorful but it was hard to taste with the cold I had developed. I cheated. Of course, I cheated. There was no other way to get through the cold. I was weak; or rather very human. I knew I would just have to make up for this later, when I felt better. Then I developed a pain on the right side of my rib cage.

I tried to ignore it but it got worse when I exercised so there was no alternative but to go to the doctor. The diagnosis was a mild pleurisy. The fix…rest. This was not what I wanted to hear.  I was getting ready to ramp up the Zumba again but now it looked like I was stuck with just dieting and the cold, dark winter. I took a deep breath and moved onward. I was closer to my goal and I was determined not to give up.

After a month of rest I decided to go to the gym. The YMCA is right out our back door and it was time to get moving again. Honestly, I was not looking forward to it. Exercising indoors is tough and really, really boring but I was anxious to get back into some regular routine and this was the easiest way.

Fortunately the winter went by quickly and before I knew it March was upon us. March is the promise of better things to come. Spring is on the horizon and I knew I was getting closer to realizing the next goal.

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